Buzz Off is a small apiary located in Hudson Ohio, committed to responsible beekeeping and hive management. We currently manage 8 hives consisting of a variety of honeybee genetic lines, selected for gentleness and mite resistance.
Wax products and seasonal varieties of honey are available for sale at our self-service farm stand during warm weather months.
We encourage you to like and follow us on Facebook (@BuzzOffOhio) or read our FAQ for answers to common questions. Now, buzz off!
Buzz Off, Honey
2 months 2 weeks ago
We're almost sold out for the reason, our remaining stock is:
* 8oz Fall (1)
* 16oz Fall (6)
* Gift/Sampler Sets (7)
* Creamed Honey (9)
* Chocolate Honey (3)
Honey stand will be available through Sunday, or until sold out.
Buzz Off, Honey
3 months 22 hours ago
Trying a new supplier for replacement hive bodies this year. It's almost criminal to paint over that gorgeous cedar.
Buzz Off, Honey
3 months 1 week ago
With the overnight temps dropping, we brought the honey heater out of storage.
It's stocked with fall, summer, cinnamon, lavender, chocolate, and gift sets! We also set some creamed honey tubs out in case your Sunday morning toast is lacking something.